Company Data

Genco Shipping & Trading Limited New (Marshall Islands)

Genco Shipping & Trading Limited New (Marshall Islands)
Current Price
$13.94 -2.38%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$13.51 - $23.43
Advanced Market Data


Genco Shipping & Trading Limited is a U.S. based drybulk ship owning company focused on the seaborne transportation of commodities globally. We provide a full-service logistics solution to our customers utilizing our in-house commercial operating platform, as we transport key cargoes such as iron ore, grain, steel products, bauxite, cement, nickel ore among other commodities along worldwide shipping routes. Our wholly owned high quality, modern fleet of dry cargo vessels consists of the larger Capesize (major bulk) and the medium-sized Ultramax and Supramax vessels (minor bulk) enabling us to carry a wide range of cargoes. We make capital expenditures from time to time in connection with vessel acquisitions. As of October 25, 2022, Genco Shipping & Trading Limited’s fleet consists of 17 Capesize, 15 Ultramax and 12 Supramax vessels with an aggregate capacity of approximately 4,636,000 dwt and an average age of 10.6 year

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