Company Data

Perfect Corp. Class A

Fundamental Analysis:
Perfect Corp. Class A
Perfect Corp. Class A
Fundamental Analysis:
Current Price
$2.425 0.21%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$1.7018 - $3.7684
Advanced Market Data


Perfect Corp. provides SaaS artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) beauty, and fashion tech business solutions. It offers AR- and AI-makeup; AI skin analysis; AR- and AI-hair; AR- and AI-jewelry; AR- and AI-accessories, glasses, and watches; AR- and AI-nails; AR- and AI-men’s grooming; AI product recommendation and face analyzer; beauty advisor 1-on-1; AR live casting for web and app; in-Store QRcode try-on; and virtual try-on application services, as well as virtual try-on for eyewear, jewelry, headwear, and watches. The company also provides YouCam makeup, YouCam perfect, YouCam video, YouCam cut, YouCam nails, and YouCam fun apps. In addition, it licenses offline Software Development Kit or AR/AI offline solutions or mobile apps. The company was incorporated in 2015 and is headquartered in New Taipei City, Taiwan.

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