Company Data

Aurania Resources

Fundamental Analysis:
Aurania Resources
Aurania Resources
Fundamental Analysis:
Current Price
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$0.133 - $0.6571
Advanced Market Data


Noble Capital Markets research on Aurania Resources is published under ticker symbols AUIAF and ARU:CA. The price target for AUIAF is in USD and the price target for ARU:CA is in CAD. Research reports dated prior to October 22, 2021 may not follow these guidelines and could account for a variance in the price target.

Aurania Resources Ltd. is a Canada-based junior mining exploration company engaged in the identification, evaluation, acquisition, and exploration of mineral property interests, with a focus on precious metals and copper. Its flagship asset, The Lost Cities-Cutucu Project, is in southeastern Ecuador in the Province of Morona-Santiago. The company also has several minor projects in Switzerland.

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