Company Data

Allegiant Gold Ltd

Allegiant Gold Ltd
Current Price
$0.0946 -5.4%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$0.077 - $0.1627
Advanced Market Data


Noble Capital Markets research on Allegiant Gold is published under ticker symbols (AUXXF and AUAU:CA). The price target for AUXXF is in USD and the price target for AUAU:CA is in CAD. Research reports dated prior to July 9, 2021 may not follow these guidelines and could account for a variance in the price target.
Allegiant is an exploration stage company with 10 highly prospective, drill-ready projects in the southwest United States, including 7 projects in the State of Nevada which is considered one of the best and safest mining jurisdictions in the world. The majority of the projects have been identified by Andy Wallace who is credited with multiple gold mine discoveries in Nevada. Allegiant’s flagship project is Eastside, a 72km2 district-size project based in Nevada, with more than 1.1mm gold-equivalent ounces that has significant potential to grow in size.

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