Company Data

Commercial Vehicle Group Inc.

Fundamental Analysis:
Commercial Vehicle Group Inc.
Commercial Vehicle Group Inc.
Fundamental Analysis:
Current Price
$1.41 -6%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$1.49 - $6.635
Advanced Market Data


Commercial Vehicle Group Inc is a supplier of cab related products and systems. The operating segments are The Electrical Systems Segment and The Global Seating Segment. The Global Seating Segment manufactures and sells products, such as seats, Office seatings. The Electrical Systems Segment is engaged in electronic wire harness assemblies and trim systems and components. The company supplies products to the various vehicle markets, which include medium-and heavy-construction vehicle market, military, bus, agriculture, mining, industrial equipment and off-road recreational markets. Geographically, it operates through the United States and it also has a business presence internationally.

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