Company Data

Localiza Rent A Car ADR

Current Price
$7.65 2%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$6.794 - $13.8
Advanced Market Data


Localiza Rent A Car SA is a car rental service provider with the majority of its operations in Brazil. Through its subsidiaries, the company rents cars to individuals, manages corporate car fleets, sells its fleet to the general public, and offers a franchise model. Franchisees account for roughly half of Localize’s car rental locations, while the majority of cars accessible with Localize are owned by the company. The fleet rental division has long-term agreements with companies that come up for renewal roughly every two to three years. The car rental segment delivers three-quarters of yearly revenue, and fleet rental makes up the rest, with an insignificant share contributed by the franchise management division.

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