Company Data

Osprey Solana Trust

Current Price
$5.05 -1.94%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$5.03 - $319
Advanced Market Data


Opawica Explorations Inc. is a Canada-based junior exploration company. The Company has a portfolio of precious and base metal properties within the Rouyn-Noranda region of the Abitibi gold belt in Quebec, and in central Newfoundland and Labrador. It owns a 100% interest in the Arrowhead, Bazooka East and McWatters claims located in northern Quebec, Canada. The Arrowhead property and Bazooka East property are subject to a 2% net smelter return (NSR) royalty. The nearest mine to Arrowhead Property is the Mouska mine located eight kilometers to the east. The Bazooka property is a 100% owned 1200 hectares (ha) land package. The McWatters property is subject to a 1% NSR royalty. It owns a 100% interest in 24 mineral claims located in Beauchastel Township, Quebec, collectively the Bazooka West property. The Company owns 906 claims, namely the Density, Eclipse and Mass properties.

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