Company Data

SKYX Platforms Corp.

Fundamental Analysis:
SKYX Platforms Corp.
SKYX Platforms Corp.
Fundamental Analysis:
Current Price
$1.29 -2.27%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$0.7231 - $2.135
Advanced Market Data


SKYX Platforms Corp operates in the business of developing proprietary technology that enables a quick and safe installation of electrical fixtures, such as light fixtures and ceiling fans. The company’s main technology consists of a weight bearing, fixable socket and a revolving plug for conducting electric power and supporting an electrical appliance attached to a wall or ceiling. The socket is comprised of a nonconductive body that houses conductive rings connectable to an electric power supply through terminals in its side exterior. The plug is also comprised of a nonconductive body that houses corresponding conductive rings, attaches to the socket via a male post and is capable of feeding electric power to an appliance.

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